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What Options Does a Landscape Supply Store Have for Mulch?

Drum Landscape Supply

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Mulch is a great way to give your property a finished look that complements your trees, shrubs, and flowers. According to Better Homes and Gardens, you should lay down mulch about 2 to 3 inches thick, but this can vary depending on the existing base in the area. There are a variety of different types of mulch to choose from, as well as pine needles or rock. Let's take a closer look at a few mulch options available at your local landscape supply store.

Wood Mulch

Mixed Hardwood Mulch

This is one of the most common options, and it is available in a variety of colors to accommodate your tastes. Our line of dyed mulches in black, red, or brown are all wonderful options. Our natural mulches vary form a light brown to dark and or reddish brown, and even bark chips. The first step to determining which color is right for your property is to decide how natural you want your garden to look. Any of the wood mulches are ideal for flower beds and landscaped areas, as they add nutrients to the soil as they age.

Dyed Mulch

Black Deco Mulch

A fan favorite option is dyed wood mulch. Available in black, brown, and red; this mulch provides a manicured look. Our dyed mulches are in a chip form instead of shredded, providing a little more longevity than your typical bagged mulch from the big box stores. These mulches are dyed using a high quality, safe dye. Typically, mulch should last the year without fading. If you're using mulch in an area that gets a lot of direct sunlight, be aware that it may need to be replaced more often.

Pine Needles

Long Leaf Pine Needles

Pine needles, also known as pine straw, are another natural looking option. Pine straw is a natural material that also degrades over time and is absorbed into the soil. There are two types of pine needles, long leaf and short leaf. We only carry long leaf, because most people prefer the look of long leaf pine needles. The best time of year to put out pine needles is January - February. The color is the brightest and the needles are freshest at that time.

We're the local mulch supply store to call when it's time to give your property an upgrade. We offer a nice variety of options with one that's sure to suit your needs. Give Drum Landscape Supply a call to learn more about our products and services. We look forward to seeing you soon!

What's your favorite type of mulch?

  • Natural Mulch

  • Dyed Mulch

  • Pine Needles

  • Pine Bark Chips



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